Commission services

Do you want your army to look its best? Look no further. Our studio will do the heavy lifting on your behalf. Whether you want custom colors or box art, we have you covered.

Immerse yourself in the realm of custom artistry. At Hobby Goblins, we offer unparalleled commission services, from awe-inspiring battle boards to painting entire armies or showcasing a single miniature. Witness your visions come to life through our meticulous craftsmanship. Additionally, explore our range of custom painted replica weapons, adding an extra touch of authenticity to your collection. Unleash your creativity and let Hobby Goblins transform your miniatures into extraordinary works of art.


We Are more than just miniature painters. Contact us today for custom projects or punch up your hobby score with a custom battle-board from an award winning team

12 Best paint wins in 2021 ITC circuit. Pictured at GW open Orlando

Custom Dioramas

celebrate your fandom with a custom sculptural display piece

Custom Dark Souls Display commission

Custom Wizkids Display Commission

unbelievable detail